I have a thing for sunglasses. It is almost similar to the thing my wife has for purses or shoes. I have always been a fan of Oakley and I must say that they make some of the best looking sunglasses on the market, but there are plenty of competitors. A competitor you might not have heard of is Tifosi Optics. I needed a new pair of golf shades for this year as I had gone without golf shades for a few months now. Well, I decided to check with Tifosi and see what models they had available. I came across these bad boys:

Now, you might look at these and say they don't look like golf shades as the lenses are bright red. Well, you would be correct. The good thing is when you purchase a pair of Tifosi you will most likely be looking at a pair of interchangeable shades. I ordered this pair from http://www.athleticshades.com/ and got the exact frame with the smoke red lenses that are included along with the three interchangeable golf lenses that come with it. I got all of that for $80, four lenses and a pair of shades.
I must say that this isn't my first pair of Tifosi shades. I will say that the options you get with lenses give you flexibility of the different conditions you face on the course. If you order the Golf/Tennis package with the shades you get a EC (Extreme Contrast), GT (Golf/Tennis) and AC (All Condition Red). The extreme contrast will block 100% of UVA/UVB rays and it will block the blue light spectrum. In lay mans terms it will help you every subtle lay on the ground, by making it clearer and easier to see. The GT lenses will make greens brighter and it also is created to help you pick up your ball in flight. I also feel that when I use the GT lenses it helps me to read the contours of the green much easier than without my shades. The AC is about what you would think....it is great for all conditions.
The comfortability of the shades is magnificent as well. I have purchased some shades that once you wear them for a long period of time they wear on your ears, but these are extremely comfortable and the padding is soft, but durable.
The lenses provide optimum coverage of your face. The Ventoux, which is the brad I went with, has great coverage, but if you prefer a more free lense that covers everything you might want to look at the Pave, Slip or Tyrant.
Overall, for the cost of the sunglasses you get exactly what you pay for. I would much rather spend $80 and get a pair of shades and four lenses than paying $200+ for a pair of shades with one set lense I can't change out. Tifosi is a company that you don't hear about often, but I do my best to get their name out there as they should be more noticeable in the golf world with all of the options they have available.
If you are into other things like hunting and racing you might want to check out the options they have available for that genre. If you would like to check out their website check below as I have included it with my post. Also, I must say http://www.athleticshades.com/ is great. I ordered my sunglasses on Friday and they were in my mailbox on Tuesday of the next week.
I highly suggest you check out http://www.tifosioptics.com/ and give them a try. You might come away more surprised than you think!
Hit 'em Straight!